Beauty is Spiritual

Is outdated makeup holding you back?

white woman doing makeup in robe I front o gold mirror teal mirror bright window
white woman doing makeup in robe I front o gold mirror teal mirror bright window

What if you knew exactly how to update your look AND what to use to get the best results?

Imagine how free you'd feel letting go of old products, unsupportive routines, and limiting beliefs...

No more tripping over your makeup bag on your way to do important things.

Makeup to holistic wellness

I discovered a love for makeup at the young age of 8. Experimenting with colors, textures, and techniques became a form of self-expression and creativity, later establishing myself as a skilled makeup artist.

Dedicated and talented, I built a successful career in Savannah, GA. My work on fashion shows, photo shoots, and with high-profile clients, gained me recognition for artistry and professionalism. Despite my success, I noticed a common thread among my clients.

Spending hours with women in the makeup chair, I held space for intimate conversations. Those women would all express self-doubt, criticism, and insecurities about their appearance. Witnessing this pattern over and over, I realized I was being called to make a larger impact... beyond makeup.

albino african american female woman with red lip on white Josh W. Fritz

Inspired by the vulnerability of my clients, I saw that beauty isn't about external appearances but also encompasses inner confidence and self-love. I love the intersection of beauty, self-esteem, and spirituality, so I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and learning. Exploring various holistic practices, mindfulness techniques, and healing modalities, I finally found my Truth... the connection between inner and outer beauty, at its core, is spiritual!

My teachings aim to empower women to embrace their uniqueness and cultivate a deep sense of self-worth. As a spiritual wellness teacher, I help my clients undergo transformative shifts in their mindset and self-perception. Empowering others to embrace their inherent beauty and worthiness is the focus of my coaching. It is my path to creating meaningful impact in the lives of my courageous clients.

albino african american female woman with red lip on white Josh W. Fritz

Confidence is in you

Women have a hard time looking in the mirror because most of us were never taught what to do, or believe something untrue about ourselves that someone else said mindlessly. Those limiting thoughts are not helpful or true. I am inspired to help women just like you to see and believe in your true worth. To see what I see-- a beautiful confident woman, ready to heal and own her whole self.

New Online Course! "Get the look" Complete Makeup Class

Grab your mirror, makeup bag & brushes. We are gonna get you ready!

New Online Course! "Get the look" Complete Makeup Class

Grab your mirror, makeup bag & brushes. We are gonna get you ready!

I believe that beauty is spiritual

Self-care and emotional regulation are a dynamic duo when paired together. One of the easiest ways to start practicing mindfulness is with your beauty rituals. Together, we'll create a personal care routine that works for you and your life to support your total wellness.

You'll gain clarity on what works for you and what you can let go of, from makeup to mindset. We'll clear things out together and lighten your load. Learn skincare tips, makeup tricks, and how to compassionately love yourself more.

"When you dream in beauty, you create new ways of being."

-Jules De Jesús Fritz

I'll make life easier for you

With Personal Retreats and Private Sessions you'll have an easy button for a fresh start. You'll learn essential skills of how to tap into your authentic beauty. You’ll be empowered to choose what’s best for you. Avoid the confusion and pressure from trends — YOU are the boss.

Green plant wall with neon sign with words and breathe

Beauty & Wellness Personal Retreats

For immeasurable impact and delight, turn your empowering beauty consultation into a VIP or group wellness retreat experience!

V.O.I. = Value on Investment

I've devoted my life to honoring my connection to Divine intuition, allowing Spirit to work through me. Combined with my experience as a highly-sought after celebrity makeup artist and educator, you'll have a dynamic experience without paying my five-figure day rate.

My personal retreats and personal coaching programs give you direct access to me and everything in my spiritual wellness and beauty toolkits. Save yourself countless dollars and hours of frustration by learning exactly what to do. I’ll help you to streamline your entire process, upgrade your routine, and transform how you see yourself... Which is truly priceless.

Testimonials from women like you...

It was the most extraordinary experience to clear out my makeup bag and mindset with Jules. I had an entire paradigm shift! You just gotta do this, I can’t explain what happens.

--Emra Smith, Author & Speaker

I went in ready to work on the outer beauty, but got a much needed lesson for my soul. I learned that my beauty radiates from the woman I am, and not from the shade of lipstick I wear!

--Jodi Clark, Realtor

This time was such a major blessing for me. I felt as free as a butterfly after learning how to move forward post-pandemic. Take advantage of the true treasure we have with Jules.

--Deb Purcell, Nutrition Director

Need any beauty supplies while you're here?

LimeLife makeup skin care products on white

LimeLife Beauty Shop

Pro-Makeup & Plant Based Skin Care

Each and every month, LimeLife offer new sales on products to support your self-care. Click below to see what's new.

Jules De Jesus Fritz headshot on black shirt yellow background red lip

Learn with Me

Individual or Group Classes

If you are ready to unpack your beauty bag and beliefs, I'm ready to empower you. My coaching infuses techniques with self-love.

Jules De Jesus Fritz Omnia brush bundle makeup brushes and black leather roll on teal

OMNIA Brushes

Artist Favorites by Jules De Jesús Fritz

I carefully curated this

exclusive brush set featuring my

Infinite 8 OMNIA® brushes. Includes vegan brush wrap.

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©2024 Dollface by Jules LLC